Kimmy's Creations
Don't even think about making these concoctions if you are under 21 years of age while living in the U.S.A. ;)

Red, White & Blue Shot
Small pkg. berry blue gelatin
Small pkg. raspberry or cherry gelatin
Small pkg. instant vanilla pudding
3 Cups vanilla or whipped cream vodka
1 Cup milk
2 Cups water
1-2 Cups non-dairy whipped topping ( freezer aisle )
2 oz. Condiment cups
All three of these need to be made in separate bowls/pans.
Boil 1 cup of water, add berry blue gelatin until it dissolves. Take off heat and let cool. Once cool add 1 cup of vodka. Repeat this process with the red gelatin.
In a bowl wisk vanilla pudding, 1 cup of milk and vodka. Fold in whipped topping.
Here comes the time consuming / you must have patience part. ;)
Pour red gelatin in cups only about 1/3 full. Put in freezer and make sure you wait long enough for them to freeze. After frozen, pour or spoon pudding on top of the red gelatin another 1/3 full. Put in freezer and definitely make sure these are frozen solid! If you don't wait, and you pour the blue gelatin on top, the blue will sink to the red and the pudding will float! Trust me, I've done this a few times. It's still pretty, however, not effective for an American Flag type of holiday! Now, if you are looking to make a Russian Flag, you are good to go!!!
Once frozen gently pour the berry blue gelatin on top and only fill another 1/3 full. Pop on a lid, freeze... and ta da! You should have something similar to the picture above! Enjoy with or without fireworks. ;) Cheers!
Don't even think about making these concoctions if you are under 21 years of age while living in the U.S.A. Just sayin! I'm not responsible for underage drinking! nOPE, NO THANKS! nOT ME!