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Appletini Gelatin Shot


This is the easiest shot you will make on this site.  It's not gourmet at all, but....  it tastes just like an appletini.  Seriously, if you close your eyes while eating, you will think you are in a fabulous martini bar, hob nobbing with the upper class.  LOL!  


1 Small box of "green apple" gelatin mix ( Might be difficult to find.  Check out the big box stores. )

1 Cup of boiling water

3/4 Cup of vodka

2oz. Condiment cups 


Dissolve gelatin in boiling water.  Let cool.  Add vodka.  Pour into cups.  Chill or freeze.


Don't even think about making these concoctions if you are under 21 years of age while living in the U.S.A.  Just sayin!  I'm not responsible for underage drinking!  nOPE, NO THANKS!  nOT ME!








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